- datum water level
- уровень моря, принятый за нулевой
English-Russian cartography dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian cartography dictionary. 2013.
water level — noun a) The level of a body of water, especially when measured above a datum line b) The level of the water table below ground … Wiktionary
Datum (geodesy) — Geodesy Fundamentals Geodesy · … Wikipedia
datum plane — A reference level to which topographic or water levels in wells are related [16] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
Sea level — For the sea level change associated with the current episode of global warming, see current sea level rise. For other uses, see Sea level (disambiguation). This marker indicating the sea level is placed on the path from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea … Wikipedia
Amsterdam Ordnance Datum — NAP Level in Amsterdam City Hall Normaal Amsterdams Peil (NAP) or Amsterdam Ordnance Datum is a vertical datum in use in large parts of Western Europe. Originally created for use in the Netherlands, it was adopted by Prussia in 1879 under the… … Wikipedia
mean sea level — the mean surface water level determined by averaging heights at all stages of the tide over a certain period, usually a 19 year period. Usually determined from a fixed predetermined reference level or chart datum … Dictionary of ichthyology
Chart datum — US civil and maritime uses of tidal data A chart datum is the level of water that charted depths displayed on a nautical chart are measured from. A chart datum is generally a tidal datum; that is, a datum derived from some phase of the tide.… … Wikipedia
Ordnance Datum — In the British Isles, an Ordnance Datum or OD is a vertical datum used by an ordnance survey as the basis for deriving altitudes on maps. A spot height may be expressed as AOD for above ordnance datum . Usually mean sea level (MSL) is used for… … Wikipedia
Thames Water Ring Main — The Thames Water Ring Main (TWRM) formerly known as the London Water Ring Main (LWRM) is a major part of London s water supply infrastructure that consists of an approximately 80 km system of mostly 2.54 m (100 ) concrete pipelines used to… … Wikipedia
MetroWest Water Supply Tunnel — Official name MWWST Begins Marlborough Ends Weston Maintained by MWRA … Wikipedia
tidal datum — (in a hydrographic survey) a curved surface representing one phase of a tide, usually mean low water, taken as a datum level. * * * … Universalium